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UX Prototyping @Synerzip

By January 18, 2017No Comments

Since ancient ages communication has always being an important aspect of life. And so, it is playing a vital role in running large business enterprises. This is true for not only sales and marketing but also for good corporate governance.
Synerzip has always been a strong believer in transparency and accountability with our engagements, due to which we are maintaining very healthy and long-term relationships with our partners. Our success mantra comes from the very basic business rule of having very effective and clear communication, which helps the client to have trust in us.
What is it that we do differently? We use some very basic and effective communication techniques which always helps us reach our goal with high scores. Whiteboarding and Paper Prototyping lies in the DNA of every Synerzipian. We use these effective techniques in every situation, so whether it is while getting some business deal or the team brainstorming sessions. Every employee in our organization knows how to effectively use this technique to maximise the team potential.


Whiteboarding is an old technique and it has been in practice for a long time. From schools to colleges or trainings and presentations, whiteboard has always played a vital role for communication. We have found whiteboarding a very compelling technique to:

  • Rapidly Evolve An Idea
  • Get Quick Customer Feedback
  • Validate Business Hypothesis
  • Save Time and Efforts Wastage in MVP Development

With adequate use of drawings and sketches, the content is proven to be more appealing which is easier to absorb and retain in the brain. The progressive disclosure of content appeals to people’s curiosity and makes it a lasting impression. Which is why Whiteboard is widely accepted as the superior technique to PowerPoint.

“Deals worth billions are closed on whiteboards!”

– Anonymous

Whiteboard can be used in many ways. Maybe to gather initial level requirements or do some brainstorming with the team or create task flows, it is always very effective. It helped us to collaborate efficiently within and outside the team and draw quick effective solutions.UX Prototyping @Synerzip

UX Prototyping @SynerzipPaper Prototyping

This is yet another successful technique which we have been using to communicate our ideas to our users and clients. It helps us to quickly actualize the product workflows and gather feedback on designs. Paper Prototyping is primarily used by designers, but in Synerzip we motivate every employee to get his/her hands dirty with this practice, which is proven to be the best tool to communicate and validate ideas.

– We believe in –

“A designer lies in every soul.”

Paper Prototyping is a completely independent technique which rapidly accomplishes your idea on paper and makes it mature enough to speak on its own. It requires no design or coding skills which requires the person to think out of the box. It encourages creativity within the team and helps develop team synergy.

dsc04457How do we do it?

Synerzip sets an example to support its employee’s overall growth. We help them to diversify their skills and develop them to achieve higher goals. We ensure that our every employee is trained and nurtured to the cutting edge technologies and techniques being practiced in the market. We recently started to enlighten our people through hands-on workshop sessions on the Whiteboarding and Paper Prototyping, and how to use them in our daily business activities.