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Episode 11 - Maximize Your Software Development Productivity

The productivity of your software development team directly impacts your business value and outcomes. While scouting for tips on maximizing this productivity, you must have come across advice on focusing and evaluating your product development metrics.

But how do you map these metrics with the business value generated by your team?

In this episode of ZipChat, we chat with agile experts and tech leaders on how to maximize the productivity of your software team and how to measure the business value being generated by it.

Join this discussion where we find answers to questions such as:

  • How do you ensure your team is effective, is it possible to quantify?
  • You can’t manage what you can’t measure, why measure anything?
  • Measure the process effectiveness, not the team or individuals
  • Tips on implementing effective feedback loops
  • How to do real-time monitoring of your process?

So join us from your peloton or grab some popcorn on the couch for this interactive ZipChat session. Submit your questions during registration for our experts to address. It’s an open mic, so come with your questions for our subject matter experts!

On-Demand Recording

Meet our panelists

Ron Lichty, Software Engineering Management Consultant

Ron Lichty consults with software and product teams and organizations to make software development “hum”. Ron’s book, Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams, published by Addison Wesley, has been compared by many readers to programming classics The Mythical Man-Month and Peopleware. His Live Lessons – Managing Software People and Teams video training for managers is available via O’Reilly’s Safari Bookshelf. Ron also co-authors the periodic Study of Product Team Performance.

Krishna Kumar, Founder and CEO at Exathink

Krishna Kumar is a results-oriented technologist with a Ph.D. in Computer Science, and 25+ years of experience building innovative B2B SaaS and enterprise software products as a developer, engineering manager, product manager, and CTO. As the CEO at Exathink, he researches and develops measurement techniques, continuous improvement frameworks, and engineering processes that help software teams ship products faster and make sure engineering efforts are focused on the highest value work.

Mike Watson, VP of Engineering, Excellarate

Mike is a veteran engineering leader with over 15 years of experience leading software teams. Mike’s passion is in helping software product development organizations transition into strong Agile practices and cultures within. He has experience working with large and medium public companies (such as Motorola and Tangoe), as well as mid-to-late stage startups (such as 4thpass, Solbright, and Quintessence). Mike has been fortunate to work with a few of the leading minds in modern agile process development.

Mickey Mantle, Founder and CEO at Wanderful Inc.

Mickey has contributed in a variety of ways to many start-ups that have grown to major companies. As a CTO and SVP Engineering, he currently oversaw teams of developers around the world successfully developing software and consumer electronics products. He is also the co-author of the book – Managing the Unmanageable.