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The 3D’s of Scaling: Do you need to do it, Decision Making, and Dependencies

Do you work at an organization that is “scaling” agile or thinks they need to do “agile at scale”?
Do you find yourself asking these questions:
  • What does scaling agile really mean, and is it necessary that we scale?
  • If scaling means working with a large team, how do we make sure everyone is moving in the same direction?
  • How do we deal with the complications that come with scaling, such as the dependencies thatare inherently created?

Join Kent McDonald as he suggests answers to these questions in the form of 3D’s:

  • Do “scaling” only when necessary
  • Decision making in a complicated environment
  • Dependencies and how to deal with them

As we examine these topics, Kent introduces simple, yet powerful techniques your teams can use to be more effective in an environment where scaling seems to be the right answer. You’ll walk away with ideas on how to apply these techniques in your own situation.
Learning Outcomes:

  • Use the Context Leadership Model and the Cynefin model to determine if scaling is the right answer
  • Encourage informed decision making through Purpose Based Alignment and decision filters
  • Minimize dependencies through collaborative planning & consistent communication

On demand recording

Meet our panelists

Kent J. McDonald

Kent J. McDonald uncovers better ways of delivering value by doing it and helping others do it. His more than 15 years of experience include work in business analysis, strategic planning, project management, and product development in a variety of industries including financial services, health insurance, performance marketing, human services, nonprofit, and automotive. He is active in the business analysis and agile software development communities helping people share stories about what does and does not work. He shares those stories at,, and in addition to presenting at and helping organize several local and international conferences.

Kent is co-author of Stand Back and Deliver: Accelerating Business Agility, a book that brings together immediately usable frameworks and step-by-step processes that help organizations deliver business value and build competitive advantage.