In this post, we will see common uses of the RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.
It provides many operators that are functions that build on the observables foundation to enable sophisticated manipulation of collections. Operators take configuration options, and return a function that takes a source observable. Consequently, when executing this returned function, the operator observes the source observable emitted values, transforms them, and returns a new observable of those transformed values.
Now we will see some operators and their use with examples.
- from: From converts various other objects and data types into observables.
- groupBy: It groups the repeated object from the list
- mergeMap: mergeMap converts all repeated object to an array
- pipe: It’s a method on observables that is used for composing operators.
const data = [ {id: 1, Name: "-2" }, {id: 2, Name: "-2" }, {id: 1, Name: "-2" }, {id: 3, Name: "-2" }, {id: 4, Name: "-2" }, {id: 2, Name: "-2" }, {id: 3, Name: "-2" }, {id: 5, Name: "-1"} ] const source = from(data) const values = source.pipe( groupBy(val =>, mergeMap(group => group.pipe(toArray()))
here, mergeMap uses toArray() merge data into array.
const source = of(1, 2, 3, 4); const example = source.pipe(reduce((acc, val) => acc + val)); const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log('Sum:', val)); //output: Sum: 10'
Reduce passes the result of this callback (acc) from one array element to the other.
Delay delay’s the emitted values by a specified time.
const message = merge( example.pipe(mapTo('Hello')), example.pipe(mapTo('World!'), delay(1000)), example.pipe(mapTo('Goodbye'), delay(2000)), example.pipe(mapTo('World!'), delay(3000)) ); // Output: 'Hello'...'World!'...'Goodbye'...'World!'
Two service calls and two responses are returned when the API is called twice.
const ob$ = this.httpClient.get('') ob$.subscribe((data) => { console.log(data) }) ob$.subscribe((data) => { console.log(data) })
shareReplay avoids the two service calls and yet gets two responses.
const ob$ = this.httpClient.get('').pipe(shareReplay()) ob$.subscribe((data) => { console.log(data) }) ob$.subscribe((data) => { console.log(data) })
shareReplay reduces duplicate service calls. In upcoming blogs we’ll discuss more more rxjs operators.
About the author
Sushil Joshi
Sushil is a UI and UX developer at Synerzip. He has been developing interfaces for more than five years and has extensive knowledge of Bootstrap Framework, CSS3 and SCSS (CSS preprocessor). Sushil holds a Masters in Computer Applications from Pune University.