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Hospitals and health systems are feeling a financial squeeze, one of the many ripple effects of a global pandemic wreaking havoc on healthcare infrastructure. In hospitals inundated with COVID-19 patients, elective and non-emergent procedures were cancelled or postponed indefinitely—a trend with significant impacts on the bottom line.

With revenue down, hospitals and health systems are looking to maximize cash flow and savings wherever possible by bolstering resources to manage cost-savings programs like 340B. For organizations that are new to 340B or that had been underutilizing the program, the crisis has provided an opportunity and a call-to-action to adopt, expand, and/or optimize program participation to access much-needed revenue.

An organization’s success with 340B program management is heavily dependent on integrity and strict adherence to compliance requirements. However, given the volume and velocity of data, speed and quality are essential to maximizing financial benefit of program participation. The only way to sustain the speed and quality of data processing while maintaining strict program compliance is to put in place a robust system to manage the procurement cycle that includes automated quality assurance (QA) and testing.
More Data, More Automation (and More Money).

When it comes to healthcare products and services, it is vital to make sure that software programs meet performance expectations, deliver accurate results, and maintain compliance with program requirements. Hospitals and health systems ramping up their 340B efforts can do so more quickly and easily by automating QA and testing of its 340B system and processes. Scriptless automation eliminates or minimizes coding, enabling the creation of test cases that users of varying technical ability can run, view, and understand.

Scriptless automation takes many forms. So, what should you look for when considering an automated testing provider?

  • Delivers quality, reliable results
  • Minimizes overall efforts and cost
  • Uses open-source code, for scalability and affordability
  • Provides quick feedback on the quality of any new build
  • Shortens testing cycle with daily/frequent automated execution of tests
  • Offers fast compatibility testing across multiple platforms or browsers
  • Supports backend DB/API/Web service testing
  • Extends to run on mobile apps

Prime’s Intelli-Q is a hybrid test automation framework built on an open, flexible architecture that can perform several types of complex automation tests across multiple platforms, devices, and technologies. The framework seamlessly integrates with any third-party product with little configuration, making it ideal for use in healthcare environments that often use industry-specific or custom software applications.

The use of scriptless automation will speed up testing cycles, expand test coverage, and maintain quality across every layer of the application. For 340B systems, this is critical to keep pace with incoming data, ensure quality and compliance with program requirements, and maximize savings.

Partner Up

In 340B healthcare, QA automation is increasingly playing an important role in achieving effective quality assurance, cost reduction and increased productivity in testing. Having a partner with expertise within the healthcare and 340B domain will empower your organization to quickly and easily build out solutions that will manage your 340B programs successfully.

For more information on how to partner with Prime for your managing your QA and testing needs, contact us

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